Iraq - The Forgotten story

This ambitious cross-cultural project involved a large fundraising initiative, including crowd-sourcing and recruiting partners. Life-saving surgery for several Iraqi children was funded through the charitable funds raised.

The Vision

Use visual art to engage in a cross-cultural arts program which tells untold stories and challenges perceptions, in order to raise awareness and funds for an Iraqi children’s charity.

The Plan

Create an ambitious touring exhibition and education outreach programme in England and Wales from communities in Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkey. Bring together Kurds, Arabs, Turks and Brits.

The Delivery

Managed fifteen artists across five countries; two personal trips to Iraq; 22 exhibitions, including two in Iraq; six partners; five schools directly engaged; ten galleries & museums; 14,400 people directly interacted with the project; over 100,000+ unique visits to websites. I exhibited in the Ismail Khayat Gallery in Iraq. Being one of the the first British artists to exhibit in this region since the Second Gulf War.


Amna Suraka


Peace for Luton