
Tutorial with Hannah Birkett

Posted on by Ben Hodson

Here are some notes from a tutorial with Hannah Birkett:

Email visual peace making interview to Hannah.

Make a Poster for the Iraq exhibition 

What is the right context for the work? Gallery/Media/Street???

Social responsibility is important to my work.

Instagater vs performative

How do you view work?

Look at Ben slow - Street art 

Look at Hans Hackke - Banner

Asks a question?

Is Dialogue important?

Tutorial with Hannah B

Posted on by Ben Hodson

Notes from a tutorial with Hannah Birket.


Look up Mark Lecky - Turner prize

Art and life

Collecting almost a database of material.

This sense of detachment? War photography

Remain open for the trip.

How would you like to display the work?

What's your ethos?

Concern social

Words for social?

EDL -Photographing them in their day jobs?

Mathew stone - Work on textured the grain of the wood

EDL - Tanning Salon

Mark titchner

Social ability

Write A few sentences? 

Main suggestion is to take a breather, take a minute to reflect and almost meditate on what is important.

Tutorial with artist Hannah Birkett

Posted on by Ben Hodson

Notes from a tutorial with Hannah:



Hans hacke - Inflatable stone henge

Grand overseer

Institutions giving help


Palenstian photography

 Ann hardy

Communal gathering

Large format


Reposibility of choice

Time space and place


Threads of interest

UK <> Iraq main important part of the work.



Consistent: responsibility 


Miners strike

Apex of art form



Concept of the Voyeur



Work backwards from final show

Drawing together create another story


Go to Saatchi Photography show


The work is basically a cultural exchange 

Notes from briefing

Posted on by Ben Hodson

Working process

What is your working Methodolodgy?

How do you design/create/make?


Primary Research

Your own work

Breakdown brief

Sketch ideas

Visual experiments


Secondary research

From other people

Look at other peoples work


Bruce Mau

Incomplete manifesto for growth.

Great quotes


"When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go to where we have been. 

If the process drives outcomes we may not know where we are going, but we will know we want to be there.

Better understand your strengths and weaknesses."


Identify and question your underlining values and belief



So what?

And now what?


Make mistakes fast.


Reflect on everything


Michael Bierut

Journal Designers


Moleskin Detour


Notes - The Creative Process

Posted on by Ben Hodson

Notes MA Thursday 13th October 2011


The creative process

Encourage playfulness, risk-taking and experimentation.

Allow for uncertainty and ambiguity.

Emphasize collaboration and partnership.

Encourage student independence and intrinsic motivation.

Value the individual.

Encourage debate and active engagement.

Acknowledge individual approaches to learning.

Encourage intrinsic motivation.

Promote convergent and divergent thinking skills & value divergence and diversity.

Make the creative process explicit.

Provide opportunities for learner choice and autonomy.


Creativity is important to effective communication; discipline analysis, essential to creative thinking, provides a systematic framework for investigation; the processes of idea-generation require raw material (facts and knowledge) to provide the basis of associations; and the creative process in art and design has received insufficient critical analysis.



Personal creativity is:

...a process of becoming sensitive to or aware of problems, deficiencies, and gaps in knowledge for which there is no learned solution; bringing together existing information from the memory storage or external; defining the difficulty or identifying the missing elements; searching for solutions, making guesses, producing alternatives to solve the problem; testing and re-testing these alternatives; and perfecting them and finally communicating the results.


TORRANCE, E. & ROCKENSTEIN, Z . (1988) Styles of Thinking and Creativity, in R.

Schmeck (ed.) Learning Strategies and Learning Styles. New York: Plenum Press



Creative aims:


nurture capabilities of personal and team creativity;

promote understanding of the nature and role of creativity within a students individual social and economic contexts;

overcome barriers to the creative process;

develop frameworks within which to evaluate creative, entrepreneurial opportunities;

enhance communication and presentation skills; and improve team building and working abilities.


to avoid writers/designers block:

keep writing/working


Presentations - build confidense


Graft Architects 


Dont divorce yourselves from your feelings





Investigation of materials.


Sketchbooks, notebooks, blogs


Debate, collaboration, individual study, 


Keep reinventing yourself,

promote divergent and convergent 


Ben Wilson 

Painting chewing gum



Critical thinking

Posted on by Ben Hodson

MA Art & Design

Researching contexts for Art and Design practice


Cultural theory + contextual studies + visual culture


Critical thinking


On technique, trust and responsibilities in the classroom.

Brookfield, 1990.


The purpose of critical thinking


a) to identify and challenge assumptions,

b) to become contextually aware,

c) to imagine and explore alternatives and

d) to engage in reflective scepticism.


The aim of critical thinking

The teaching of thinking should produce critical and creative disposition that enables  a person to transcend biases, evaluate situations and ideas objectively and create habits of mind that extend beyond academics to life experience in general.


Strategies for critical thinking



Critical theory




Essay/Literature review



Reflective diary


Discussion off


New term

Posted on by Ben Hodson

MA Art & Design initial meeting


Idea generation

Critical investigation




What ideas do you want to pursue?


Fine art



Julien Vallée

Graphic Designer

Tactile design

Inspired by Dada




Space to experiment

Strike a pose – book on architecture


Final project

Real meaning – think through ideas.


MA Art & Design

Creative Enquiry

Critical Methodologies


Contextual studies


Practice Modules

Understanding Practice

Professional Practice 

Independent Study (Studio Practice)


Discussion off


Starting the Studio Journal

Posted on by Ben Hodson

e, experience, experiments, obsessions, ideas, problems, questions, solutions, processes, inspirations, collaborations, exhibitions, influences, investigations and Ben's thoughts on it all.

Please use the archive or index of subject tag links to navigate to certain subject areas, topics and types of research. Key links to research, journals and relevant information are supplied via a delicious database on the left.  On the right, the twitter feeds are from Ben and they give up to date information on exhibitions, research and projects.  There are also widgets importing photos from both Flickr and direct from Ben's iPhone.

Please contact with any questions or comments: